Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Name All the Animals by Alison Smith(Part 3)

So far, the book is...interesting. I don't really find any part of the book to be difficult to read nor do I find it easy to read. To me, it's just like any other book I've ever read. A character that I seemed to start liking in the novel is Teresa. I liked her because she's very daring and different. She seems to be the one who is helping Alison forget the pain and misery from the death of Roy. I think the author includes Teresa in the novel to keep the story from getting so bland and to show how much Teresa changes Alison. Alison soon discovers things about herself that she never knew and she begins to feel things that she has never felt. Alison discovers that she is Lesbian and she experiences the feelings that one feels when making love. There aren't many characters that are described besides Alison's parents, Teresa, Alison and Roy so I can't really say that I dislike any of the characters. But so far, I guess that the story is somewhat progressing because Alison is making changes in her life and the subject is gradually moving away from Roy's death. So...I guess I should keep reading. Bye :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Name All the Animals by Alison Smith(Part 2)

I'd have to say that Alison uses a lot of characterization throughout the novel. Often, when introducing a character, she describes their appearance, gestures/actions and conversations. For example, she describes Teresa by telling the reader that she has massive curls with a wide face. She also describes how she watched Teresa with sketchpad on her lap. This introduces Teresa as an artist. I think that Alison made Teresa kind of mysterious or shy because of the fact that Teresa doesn't want to share her drawings with Alison. Another example is Alison's father. He often calls Alison 'baby' showing that he is caring.  When Alison's mother and father let the nuns know to keep a close watch on Alison when they went on their trip to Toronto, it shows that they are protective. Throughout the story, when Alison's parents do things to show that they are grieving for Roy, they tend to come to Alison, as if to make sure that the only thing that they have left, is still there. Overall, I think Alison does a great job in introducing the characters' personalities as well as their image.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Name All the Animals by Alison Smith

Hmm...Well, so far, I'm not too intrigued or interested in the story. I was interested at first because I liked how the action happened so early in the story, but now that I go on, it seems as if the whole story is going to revolve around Roy's death. I wouldn't mind if the story was going to revolve around Roy...if he was ALIVE. It's different when he's dead. I don't want to read about someone's life...There won't be any action going on. Just thoughts and memories about him. I really hope that as the story goes on that Alison's character will become more developed and it won't be so much about Roy. Off to do work now :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sylvia Plath's Poetry Response

- I really liked this poem, however it was really dark. All three stanzas consist of an 'if and then' situation. Each have to do with hurting a living object and what the effect would be. For example, the first stanza says that if you cut the tongue of the bird, you will hurt their vocal cords. The one that moved me the most was the last stanza in which she says that if you attempt to cut out a person's heart, you will stop the syncopation of two hearts. Overall, I really liked the structure and the point of the poem :)

"The Applicant"
- From what I understood in this poem, it seems to me like Sylvia is trying to say that if she changes herself and empties her mind out (in other words, being dumb), would a guy marry her. She talks about having fake body parts and she talks about having empty insides. This poem for me depicts reality because today, girls go through great measures in order to find 'love.' I also liked this poem because I could easily connect.

"April 18th"
- Uhh....This one was kinda confusing too, but I kinda thought that it was about her wanting to forget about something or somone in the past. She says that no matter what happens, like pregnancy or constipation, she would still not remember what happened in the dreadful memories from before.

"A Better Resurrection"
- I really liked this poem for some reason. I'm not sure what stood out to me but maybe it's just that I like what the poem was about. From my understanding, it was about her wanting to be born again because life at the moment for her wasn't going the way she had planned...or the way she expected or maybe wanted. It seems to me as she is fed up with everything and has no emotion left to show the way she feels.

"Mad Girls Love Song"
- I kinda liked this one too. She seems to be explaining how when she shuts her eyes, every bad thing in life seems to just go away, as if her eyes were doors to the world and she could block them out. And for some reason, when she says "I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead", I kind've believe that she thinks she's 'pausing' the world. But then again, that's how I think about it when I read this poem :)

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

In the first chapter, the character of Esther is introduced. Esther is a college student working in New York as an editor for a magazine. Here, Esther worries too much, it seems. She does not seem to enjoy all of the luxurious clothing, parties and free trips, and in the very beginning of the chapter, she worries about the electrocution of the Rosenburgs. In New York, Esther stays at an all girls hotel named the Amazon with eleven other girls. Her main companion seems to be Doreen, a beautiful and carefree, young woman. When Betsey, another girl who stays at the Amazon with them, comes and asks Esther if she wants share a cab with her and she declines because Doreen tells her to. They then take a cab together and while Doreen and Esther are stuck in traffic, a man named Lenny convinces them to get out of the cab and have a couple of drinks with him and his friends. Doreen and Esther accept and soon Doreen and Lenny are flirting while Frankie is attempting to occupy Esther. Esther ignores him for the fact that he is extremely short and she hovers over him like a giant. Frankie leaves, noticing that he is there for no reason. Esther lies and says her name is Elly begins to order random drinks, hoping to find one that she likes. Soon, Doreen and "Elly" leave with Lenny. Well, that's how far I've gotten so far so...Bye :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Unsettling America Poems Response

In my opinion, "Mnemonic" by Li-Young Lee, it was a bit confusing. I didn't quite grasp the meaning of the poem. I also felt that the poem wasn't exciting, resulting in me not being interested in paying attention to the poem. I couldn't relate to the poem, due to the fact that it was about a boy who praises his fathers blue sweater. I think O.o "English Speaking Persons Will Find Translations" by Michael S. Glaser depicts the way Americans view the Holocaust. Glaser also mentions how tourists crowd around as to not miss a thing, and they crowd around to take pictures with the ovens at Dachau. We should be ashamed of the reactions, but we aren't. Glaser also speaks of a movie that the narrator watches in a hotel room where Americans so inappropriate things to Native American women. In this poem, I believe that Glaser attempts to point out how we go on with our daily lives as if everything were okay, but we don't realize how difficult it must have been for those who were apart of a crisis. We only see that crisis as an "important piece of history", but we shouldn't be so insensitive and only look at it that way. Glaser beautifully succeeds in portraying this idea.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Betsey Brown by Ntozake Shange- Part 3

I'm now on Chapter 8 and I still have to say that I am enjoying this book. The most important scene to me so far is the scene in which Charlie got in a fight with the whites at his new segregated school. This I feel will drive the rest of the story or at least it will drive the conflict of the story. I think that Jane is changing the most throughout the story because she seems to be paying more attention to the children and seems to be taking on the responsibility of having and maintaining a family. Also, I think That Betsey Brown is moving ahead of herself. She seems to be in a great rush to grow up which leads her to run away from home. She thinks she's got everything planned out but in reality, she has no clue what awaits her. I've left off on page 125. And I don't really know what else to say about the story so I've gotta go read some more.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Betsey Brown by Ntozake Shange- Part 2

I really have to say, I'm starting to really enjoy this book. So far, I'm only up to chapter five and Shange is really developing the characters very well. I can most identify with the scene of Betsey's first kiss. I can feel the emotions as her lips first meet Eugene Boyde's lips. It reminds me of all of the feelings that flooded over me when my first kiss occurred. I would want to spend time with Betsey Brown the most because she seems extremely responsible for her age and very mature. Jane really bothers me because she seems to load all of her responsibilities on her oldest child, Betsey, and even has favoritism towards her. I think that Shange plays with the English grammar so that the reader can get a better feel for the characters as well as the time period. Overall, this book is becoming more intriguing throughout the chapters.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Betsey Brown by Ntozake Shange

To be honest, so far, I don't like this book at all. I'm guessing that this is one of those books that start off REALLY slow, and the farther you read, the better it gets. Well...that's what I'm hoping. So far, I know that it's about this girl named Betsey who has a lot of siblings...I'm not really grasping the point of the book; If there is one so far. One thing that confused me was why the kids were calling their parents (Jane and Greer) by their names. From what I'm understanding, the children are still very young and I don't understand why the kids seem somewhat intimidated by their parents. Well, this post looks long enough and plus, this book is kinda confusing so far so I don't really have THAT much to say. Bye :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"The Good Thief" by Hannah Tinti

In my opinion, The Good Thief was a little slow to kick off and actually get interesting. As I started to read farther into the book, I became intrigued and the story was extremely detailed. The gruesome events such as when the man in the red gloves cut off the bartenders hand. Or when they described the image of Benjamin after being beaten by Pilot and the other men. The descriptions of the setting were very realistic as well, and I think that the reason that I enjoyed this story so much was because when reading the novel, it seemed as if the story was pulling the reader in. I also think that the plot was interesting because very rarely do you ever read books about criminals using a child's disadvantage to their advantage. Overall, the book was great. Kudos to Hannah Tinti! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Top 5 Haiku :

1. Dead roses.
First petal

2. Sleepless nights.
Coffee cravings
Fuel the body.

3. Yellow sun,
Red skin,
sun burnt.

4. Snow falls.
Bitter breezes
bites toes.

5. Gloomy skies overhead.
Dreadful mourning
for days to come.

Well, my haiku's aren't all that great. Feedback would be nice. Thanks!

Haiku Guy Response

Hmm....I'm not quite sure what I thought of this book. It's definitely not one of my favorites. The book was confusing in some aspects. One thing that confused me the most was: I had no clue as to what the point of view of the story was. Some chapters spoke as if it was Buck-Teeth speaking while other chapters, the author was speaking to the reader, directly...I think. I also didn't understand the point of the story. Usually stories have a purpose or a message that's trying to be told to us. Maybe this book was supposed to help us write haiku's. I don't think it really worked for me. It just showed me that haiku's can be written about anything. Overall, I was confused by the book and I became frustrated very easily, leading to my endless breaks. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

10 Questions:

1. Who are the most important people in your life, and why?
My family are a few extremely important people in my life just because they've done more than I could ask for. They're my best friends that I could never lose. My friends are important but I have very few CLOSE ones. Djana Sefo, Ashli Giles, James Kegler, and Teodoro Santiago are important to me because they've been through everything with me from the start. And last person- my boyfriend Ray Rivera because although we've had our ups and downs, he's done nothing but love and protect me throughout the time that we've been together. Don't know where I'd be without these people!

2. When do you feel most afraid?
I feel most afraid when I feel that I'm around danger. Thus, the reason why I hate arguing, fighting, killing, stealing, etc.

3. What bores you, and why?
I get bored with dull things. I like color. I get bored with people who talk about themselves or about one topic a lot. To tell you the truth, I don't care. I get bored with not having anything to entertain me. And although I am a cheerleader for basketball, I get bored with basketball too.

4. How important is money to you?
Not that important. Even though it gets me everything I want, I'm easily entertained like a child. it doesn't take money for me to have fun.

5. If you could accomplish only one thing in your life, what would it be and why?
I would want to...Um make a positive impact on the world. I don't know how, though...

6. How important is food to you?
EXTREMELY. Food is what keeps me entertained, food helps me when I'm sad, food is there when I'm happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with food. I would marry food if food was a person! :)

7. Do you have any bad habits?
I used to bite my nails but that habit seems to be "going away" so I guess not anymore.

8. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so where?
Ew. No tattoos. I don't find them appealing. On the other hand, I love piercings. I have 2 holes on each ear, an industrial on one, a cartilage piercing on the other, a belly ring and one more is (hopefully) on the way!

9. If you could be an animal, what would you be?
I would LOVE to be a tiger. They're fierce, cuddly, and gorgeous!

10. Do you believe in ghosts?
No. Only in the Super Mario game.

Texting Takes Over?

Don't get me wrong, I love texting. It's one of my main hobbies. However, texting is becoming too much of a problem in our society today. Laws have been passed regarding this issue, but it seems that laws are just not enough. Not too long ago, a law was passed stating that texting while driving is illegal. Many accidents have been caused by drives who have not been paying attention to the road, but have been paying attention to incoming text messages. Various injuries as well as deaths have been caused by this handheld device. Texting has also become an issue for pedestrians. People walking across the street are also distracted by texting and this causes accidents as well. They become distracted while crossing streets and walking on the sidewalk which causes car accidents and collision with humans. Not only has texting become an issue in the streets, but in school as well. Texting has been a cause of distraction nowadays. For someone to be focused on the lesson or what is being taught, the person must have no distractions. No talking, no games, no texting. From my experience, I can say that texting truly has an impact on our grades and our concentration. However, there seems no way to get around it. Soon, texting is going to be the base of our society. Texting is taking over the world.

10 Unknown Facts About Me!

1. I have to sleep with a fan on no matter what the temperature may be.
2. I prefer bendy straws over the straight ones. No particular reason why, though.
3. If I make a drink where powder has to be mixed with a liquid like Kool-Aid or any other kind of juice, I have to drink it with a spoon.
4. I hate when people touch me with their feet. It's disgusting.
5. I don't know how to swim.
6. I'm afraid of heights.
7. I don't have a middle name.
8. Speaking of names, I hate mine.
9. I'm obsessed with Tinkerbell.
10. I've never tasted seafood except shrimp, fish, and octopus.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Venting Session?

Yeah, yeah. I know these blog post thingies are supposed to be "thought-provoking" and what-not but I really need to get my mind cleared off before going to bed. In the beginning of the year, I was passing all my classes with all A's except for two B's. That's normal for me. Then, the second marking period came along and I had straight A's and I was on High Honor Roll With Distinction. Now, having this happen showed me what I was capable of. Third marking period comes along and I have 3 B's! I'm angry with myself. I'm not really sure how my grades dropped but they did. I'm overwhelmed with keeping up with school, cheerleading, my boyfriend, and my social life. I feel like I'm overdoing everything. On top of that, at home, there's a lot of pressure on me. My mom knows what I'm capable of and B's aren't really acceptable either. I feel like everything I do isn't good enough right at this moment. I wish that I could take a step back from life and take a breather just for a few seconds. I need to catch up with everything. Ugh, anyways, I'm gonna stop boring everyone so, goodnight. Any advice or suggestions would be GREAT!

Farewell Post...As Ms.Gamzon calls it.

Well, to tell you the truth, I really don't wanna be writing this at all. I'm lazy and anxious today. So this post is kinda pointless. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be saying in this post. I think I'm supposed to say goodbye. But what for? I'll be posting at any time I please! I'm just typing and typing random thoughts because...Well because Ms.Gamzon wants me to. Seriously, this is a pointless blog and I don't want to bore anyone to tears so GOODBYE! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Teen Pregnancy...

So i'm sitting down watching 16 & Pregnant and the thought about writing a blog about it sounded pretty...interesting? Well, let's see where this takes me. I have nothing against those who are teens and are pregnant...or have kids on the way. But I really think that I haven't truly developed myself and to help another person-a baby develop them self is just something that I would much rather avoid thinking about. Right now, I seem to be overwhelmed by all of my school work, rumors, peer pressure; All of the normal teenage problems. I complain because I think I have it bad but when I think about it, those who are actually trying to pursue school as well as take care of a whining baby is over the top. In my opinion, kids should really wait. I don't understand if they have sex because they feel that's the key to love or because hey were pressured to. Whatever the reason may be, I still don't think that sex should be any of our worries at our age. At least be educated about sex to know the major consequences and think about where those consequences will eventually lead you. A child is a responsibility and once you have a child, you no longer matter. Everything is about caring for and protecting your child. Your life revolves around that baby. Not saying that they've actually ruined their life completely, but they're gonna miss out on a lot of things. Prom, parties, pep rallies, sports games, spending time with friends, and school. Yeah, school wouldn't be something on our list that we would miss but seriously, half of our life is spent in school and that's where most of our memories are born. I'm just saying, kids should be more cautious about their actions....I can barely take care of myself let alone take care of a fragile baby...Well, off to sleep. Goodnight!

Monday, February 14, 2011

All Around The World...Sort Of!

Well, I'd like to start off by saying that I really enjoy traveling. No, I haven't actually traveled all around the world, but it kinda seems that way. I've been to a lot of places! The farthest place that I've ever been to is Puerto Rico... Although I speak Spanish fluently, my speech in Puerto Rico isn't as good as I wish it would be. Anyways, I love the hot weather, the food, and the boys! (Just kidding. Haha.) But really, my favorite thing about Puerto Rico would have to be the beaches. The water isn't dirty and murky like over here. You can see your toes through the water and the sand is thinner and lighter. The sand over here is dark, dirty, and thick. Yuck. 
Another place that I've been to is Toronto, Canada. I can't really remember anything from here but I know that I've been here when I was younger. The only thing that I remember is this one haunted house place. I was dying to get in...Apparently, I was too young at the time and I would be "too scared." Oh, and I remember that there were a lot of buildings...But that's about it. 
I've been to Detroit, Michigan. My aunt used to live down there. It's just like any other normal city except the mall was HUGE! One thing that bothered me about the mall was that it was separated... I don't think that the separation was supposed to affect the crowd on each side, but it did. The mall had one side for "middle-class" people and on the other side of the bridge (there was literally a bridge), all of the snooty, rich people carrying pampered puppies shopped. Oh, and another thing that made me angry in Detroit- I went to McDonalds downt there one time and I ordered a number 9. (Chicken Selects) Come to find out that their menu is different from ours. I ended up ordering a nasty burger when I had my mind set on good ole chicken. 
When I was around 9-ish years old, my mom and all the rest of my family decided to move to Florida. West Palm Beach, Florida. That's where I lived. There, I remember jumping from one school to another. Of course, I started at a different learning level in each school. For the most part, I loved Florida. The malls sucked over there so luckily I wasn't old enough to be so interested in SHOPPING! I remember living in an apartment complex called Indian Trace with my 2 aunts and little cousins. We went down to the pool every Sunday. We shopped every Saturday and tanned EVERYDAY. Everything was going great until the Hurricane Wilma in 2005. We decided to move back to New York where our lives weren't in as much danger.
Oh! I've been to Chicago too! Only for a weekend though. It was GREAT! I went to a zoo there...Except I didn't really enjoy it that day. The sun was blazing and I was sweating like a pig. I know that's gross. But anyways, the zoo was pretty darn cool! I really liked the monkey's. They're really quite weird, if you ask me. However, they are adorable. Especially the baby ones. I like staying in the hotels and wandering around in that huge mall with no clue where I would end up. Half the time, we were in a hotel or in the car. I still had fun, though. 
I've been to New York City, too. Although that's still apart of my state, it's still kinda far. I absolutely LOVE shopping there even if the prices are outrageous. There's always commotion and bustling going on. The buildings are HUGE and for once, I don't feel like the only short one. I like the New York accents and I like that there's always foods around every corner. Hot dogs or these little Chinese cake thingies that I tried one time. 
In my 8th grade year, I took a trip to Washington, D.C with my school. It was amazing. I spent time with someone who is now my best friend (Djana Sefo) and I spent time with my boyfriend (Ray Rivera.) Although the trip was mainly to learn historical facts, I can honestly say that I learned nothing EXCEPT: I should take medicine before taking a long road trip. Other than that, the experience was great. I visited the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. One memory that really sticks with me to this day: Djana, Christina, and me were being loud in the hotel room. We ended up getting in trouble by our Assistant Principal (Ms.Markman) and then....This old lady came out of her room WITH security guards and started banging on our door, telling us to be quiet. Woah...Great times!

And I've been to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virgina. I'm just too lazy to type anything else. Oh, and I've been through All of the states on the East Coast. I don't really count those though because I haven't actually spent the night in any of those states. Anyways, I have to go and cram for my social studies test. Wish me luck! 


1. If you could celebrate one holiday for one week out of one month of the year, what would it be and why?
2.  What do you feel is your biggest flaw?
3. If you could relive one moment, what would it be? 
4. Do you know another language besides English? If so, which one(s) and how did you happen to learn them?
5. Everyone has regrets. What is your biggest regret and why?
6. If you could eat at one restaurant for one whole year, which one would you pick?
7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
8. If you could meet any celebrity, which one would you choose?
9. What is your most prized possession?
10. How do you think we can improve economy in the society today?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentines Day- 2011.

Well, I have to say that this year, I'm actually looking forward to Valentines Day, but now that I can finally enjoy it, everyone in my surrounding isn't. I'm noticing that the only people that don't have someone to enjoy the holiday with are the ones who say- "Valentines Day sucks." "Love is stupid." I was one of those people. Now that I have someone to call mine on Valentines Day, I'm annoyed by everyone else's opinion. Just because you can't enjoy the holiday, don't mess it up for everyone else. I actually like the fact that boys take the time out to buy you a box of chocolates, roses, teddy bears, jewelry...It's the one time where the sensitivity of a guy actually shows. Although, this year, I have the pressure of getting him something too...By the way, does anyone know what to get a guy for Valentines Day, anyways? Suggestions as soon as possible would be GREAT. Thanks!

Futuristic Thoughts...

My class was told to write a post about what we think the world will be like in 10 years...So here are my thoughts about this subject. The world in the future...I'm guessing that we're going to have a ton of technology. We seem to have something new every day. Whether it be new touch screen devices or voice activated computers and phones. Some relate robots to the futuristic world. I don't...I highly doubt that the world be controlled by robots. Then again...maybe robots would make good servants or something. But anyways, back to the point. In some ways technology is a great advantage in our time period. But I think that in the future, this world isn't going to be able to communicate through spoken words. Text messages, blogs like ours, websites like Facebook and Myspace are taking over the world. I think that maybe technology should be brought down a notch...I think that spoken words are stronger and more relevant than those which are written down. Don't get me wrong, I love the computer and my cell phone. But I prefer to speak my thoughts rather than writing them down. The point is brought across faster and gives it more meaning. Through tone, volume, etc. That's all that I can come up with to say right about now so...Bye.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

About Me!

I guess I should start by saying that my name is Lizbeth Gonzalez. I'm 14 and I currently attend School of the Arts as a Creative Writing major. I'm Boriqua, also meaning that I am 100% Puerto Rican. My birthday is February 20th! Presents are accepted, including money! (Just kidding.) I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend, Ray for 11 months. Our one year anniversary is this month on the 26th! Anyways, back to this 'about me' thing. I love cheerleading. However, that does not mean that you should believe that I am fit to be looked at as the stereotyped version of a cheerleader. I'm not preppy(only when I have to be, which is mainly when performing), i'm not stupid, and neither am I Caucasian. Any race can be a cheerleader and there can be SMART cheerleaders too! (My GPA happens to be a 4.31) I love to text...Although, the thought of getting arthritis from texting so much kinda scares me a bit. As said in the previous blog, I love to eat food. Shopping is one of my main hobbies. Most of my money goes on clothes and jewelry. Anyone who knows me can tell you what a jewelry fanatic I am! Super Mario and Sims are like, my favorite games in the world. My feet are really small, and i'm very short. Don't remind me. My favorite colors are pink, purple, lime green, and turquoise. My favorite character is Tinkerbell. I'm not very tan, although I am Puerto Rican and my hair isn't curly either. It's naturally straight(for those who thought that u flat ironed my hair, the answer is no.) I wish my eyes were blue. I love piercings. One more on the way! I plan to go to college to become a pediatrician. I would love to drift some day. I can't sleep without a fan on in my room no matter what the temperature may be. I hate liars, cheaters, disrespectful, immature, and annoying people. For the most part, i'm extremely rude. But I can be nice when needed. That's just a few of the things about me that I felt were necessary for the world to know.


Well, this is an awkward topic to actually write about but, Yulia inspired me. (By the way, sorry if I spelled your name wrong.) In my first post, I mentioned how I can't focus without food. Well, I just wanted to say, I can't focus with just any kind of food. I don't think that I can focus with a big plate of rice and beans in front of me. Nor can I focus with a heap of pancakes in front of me either. I need JUNK FOOD! A teenagers best friend. Well, at least it's my best friend. Oh, one of my favorites- candy! All types of candy! Skittles, Starbursts, Nerds (my favorite), Hershey's, Twix Bars, Fun Dip, Jolly Ranchers, Kit Kat Bars. Anything sweet! A bag a chips with a soda on the side helps me focus too. But, now that I have this all out of my system, I think that the only reason I need to eat while writing is to give me some kind of distraction. Not because I'm hungry but because my mind isn't coming up with anything that sparks my interest, and so a distraction is what I need. An excuse to avoid writing. After i'm done eating, I realize it's time to get to work and that's when an idea is born. The idea doesn't flow out of mind until i force it out of my mind. Anyways, the point is- I love food. It's basically the solution to my whole life!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Well, I'm not sure where to start so...Here I go. I'm very rarely inspired and I'm never satisfied with my topics for writing. For my ideas to be fully developed, I need TIME. A TON of time. I'm easily distracted and the only way I can focus on my writing for more than 30 minutes is if I have food. Ha, kinda funny, huh? Oh, another thing about me and my writing- I find it way easier to write about negative experiences. There's no way you would ever read a story about a beautiful sunny day with chirping birds and a happy ending with my name on it. I'm a very determined Freshman and my standards are set higher than I think that I can manage. My grades are currently straight A's...although, I'm sure that will change once these midterm grades are put in. Anyways, that's all for now!